The one time a month I check forums I see this!
Ofc I remember you!
You seem to have a great understanding of composition, all the leading lines pointing towards the statue, the stairs, the iron bars, the (mirrors?) and the lamp, very clever!
The imperfections you normally get on a brass statue is there, on point.
The materials look spot on in terms of reflectivity and refractions, did you look up the IOR or just use presets?
I wouldn't mind seeing some more action on the left side, pretty much all the action is on the right.
Very nice work!
oh in that case I think you need to make the lights actually emit visible light, and I think the circles are a tad too reflective, maybe lower it a tad bit.
In the second one you have floating chairs, and the fireplace is not really giving off any light, maybe just place a warm lightsource inside there. The wood doesn't seem to have a specular/reflectivity map on it underneath the fireplace,
The lightbulbs hold by the dog statues (really cool btw) does look like they are turned off, wouldn't it be better for the scene if they are emitting light as well ?
The leafs look a bit like plastic, maybe add some SSS or translucency to them ?
the circular tables in the back looks very matte, it might look better with some more reflectivity.
floor texture looks low res to me (the actualy texture not the dirt map) Actually when I look at it the walls on the first image looks quite low res too.
that camera position looks so much better IMO
cool stuff,
although i feel like the marble stairs could maybe use some slightly beveled corners and/or some slight SSS.
if you look at pictures of real marble youll almost always see some light bleeding through at the corners.