The Battlepass is a way you can earn rewards just from playing the game. Various aspects of the game grant you xp towards the Battlepass such as ranked(coming next month!), tournaments, quests and even just playing with your friends normally. As you gain XP you gain levels along with it, as you hit these levels you unlock rewards at every tier.
We have two versions of the Battlepass, a free version and a premium version which costs $10. Purchasing the premium Battlepass allows you to gain both sets of rewards.
Battle Pass prizes include Toricredits, Shiai Tokens, Boosters, Flames, Color and 3D items as well as unique BP-specific new items!
You can purchase a Premium version of Battle Pass to receive even better rewards, including a limited edition color.
Press the "Upgrade to Premium" button on the Battle Pass screen and you will be able to claim 3X more Toricredits, 2X more Shiai Tokens and more!
*Purchasing levels with Shiai Tokens is also possible.
This time around we're back with a new colour!
Lagoon is here, and with it come various new items!
Celebrate your time off, from school or work, with these breezy items!
To see the complete look check the spoiler below!
replays by Oblivion, melrose & xioi, Hyrozen Yes! That's right! Two of the new items are entirely retexturable!
Here are the flats, to make it easier to retexture!
open me, big flats!
Tasty Topper!
What's new:
Quests are now more spread out throughout the month.
New quest mods for the community to explore. Expect even more options next month!
Rotating mods! Public lobbies will have their share of fun. Did somebody say ACROJOUST?