Raising amount players can win in tournaments and lowering QI to join them
I've been on TB for a long time and I've noticed people
NEVER participate in the tournaments. Apparently they think its a waste of time for such a low amount. I would like to be the first to request raising the TC from what it is currently to 10k or 15k tournaments. Do you think you could make tournaments available for all belts? It could stay at black but you're kinda forcing people to play 1000 games (or have to get a qi booster) or they otherwise cant join and have fun. its really all about
skill not the belt.
Could you lower the QI requirements to 500 to join tourneys as well? I think it makes for diversity because most people who have played that many games are adapted by then. unless they buy QI. but hey thats why you buy it i guess
Think about how people love event squad events where they earn shai tokens they are getting a lot out of it if they win. I think players would enjoy this change. and can we make this into a vote poll for the players or admin? im not sure how to do that. but ill try to figure it out.