Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Gosh i hate this {Clans}
Pookie Realy wants meh back in his clan but i dont completely want to go back but just till the clan league can you guys put up with meh in Evil? {i dont want to upset anyone}
=/ I hate to say it but, I don't know if I can keep letting you leave, then rejoin. Yes, I need somebody with your skill, but no, I don't need somebody that hops clans like this.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
After doing some recon in the Evil forums, it seems like half the people didn't like you from what I understand.

As you can see, we may not be the most active clan in the community, but we have a couple active members. Not like we're a huge clan though, so a couple members is good for the position we're in.

Just pm me with your final decision on whether or not you are re-joining Evil, or staying with us. I won't be mad with your decision.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
There is no loyalty here. You need to pick a clan and stay with it, not hop between clans once a week, personally, I could care less if you're good, this is dishonoring the clan. sorry but i have to agree with Kit on this one i told u to check in with this clan because i thot u mite b an asset someone who stick with it through thick and thin no matter if we where dying or if we where on the have no clan loyalty atm so.....hmmmm this is kinda hard to say...if u cant stick with us get out no offense im jus thinking about what we need and we need loyalty no doubt u are pretty damn gud but still thats nuttn to us if u give ur skills to our enemy
[Fr3styL]...and the last thing you'll hear when you breath your last will be the laughter of my soul.....[Fr3styL]
As far as I'm concerned, (not that my opinion matters), you aren't loyal, you hop clans, and you have no place here, I don't care how skilled you are at the game. I know plenty of people that are great at TB but are major pricks. I'd never want them in this clan either.
fine than il be clanless and btw i wasent gona change ive been in your clan for days now i wasent gona change but now im gone