Original Post
A ToastMaster Revenge
Heres my first new move in several weeks, been quite busy....

Demo settings
Hold all
Extend Pecks
Extend elbows
Grabby Hands

Space x 1

Extend Ankles

Space x 1

contract Pecks

Space x 1

Contract abs

space x 3

contract ankles
contract hips
contract knees
(alternately, you can lower shoulders here too, but the results are slightly different)

space x 1

lower shoulders

space x 1

raise shoulders

space x 1

ungrip hands

Then finish as you will, as there are too many ways too end this move for me too write down at the moment

Re: A ToastMaster Revenge
Any reason it is a "revenge"?
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
Re: A ToastMaster Revenge
Its titled "revenge" because its been like, 5 weeks since I posted any moves, so its sort of a revenge against my lazy posting habit ;)