For those who don't feel like reading a long(ish) free form app, read directly below but for those who do, look below that.
Name: Pubed (irl my name is James or as i prefer Jay)
Age: 15
Alts: Demini, Godzvital, Desertair I made Pubed to try to go for a more competitive game style meanwhile on Demini and Desertair I made more replays. Godzvital was my first account and got banned. Please don't ask about it. I was being ignorant at that time and such.
Previous clans: Some majors are Obey, Vector, Style, Resurrected, and i recently left Unity do to Habits showing how much of a child he truly is.
Belt: Over all, I have about 8k qi. But on here I am a blue belt.
Recommendations: Illkickurass had asked me if i was looking for a clan and to apply for addicted after playing with him for the finals of a gmtourney. He said he can't guarantee anything but he thinks I would have a good chance at making it.
Other facts: I have been playing toribash for over 2 years now. I know I'm still somewhat "new" to the community.
Long wordy lengthy shit below
Welp, Hello. My name is James or Jay as I prefer, I am 15 and I play under the Username "Pubed" I have a few alternate accounts such as; Demini, Desertair, Godzvtial, and Jayl. On Demini I make a few replays but am not very active on it. Desertair had been my main for a few months but I grew to hate that Username and therefor I made Demini. Godzvital was my first account and was banned for 3 months awhile back. i had been being an ignorant fool and didn't know what i was doing. After being banned I had made Desertair. I have been in quite a few clans but only really for replay making. I joined Obey and Vector purely for my replay making skills and was in Ultimate early on towards the start of it. I was planning on applying for Ultimate or S7 soon, but Illkickyourass had whispered me and told me about addicted. I see you guys around sometimes and you always seem to be amazing if my memory is correct. I after thinking for awhile, decided I would rather see that I'm Addicted over being in either of those two clans. I have been playing Toribash for close to two and a half years. I have been over most of Toribash by this time. I when i first started up was very good at ABD and aikido style mods. i had got to rank 200(Global) at black belt on my first account. I then went into Wushu and maintained a constant rank of 150(Wushu3) and practiced with a lot of RelaxAll and some of Fl0w. I then got into replay making and did a little bit of Taekkyon and Lenshu3ng in that time. I now have been going for more tc and a better win ratio(I was at 130k and 65-70% win ratio by 200 qi) on Pubed. I play mostly ABD but I do a lot more aswell. Now time for some IRL Info. I live in New Jersey(United States). I have a lot of family problems. I suffer from really bad depression but I work out on average 4 hours a day to fight it. I am a very friendly person when respected and not so nice when I am disrespected. I talk to people they decide they want to talk to me. I love to have fun and mess around(no not under the covers) and will hop online whenever I can. I am very in-game active and can be very forum active. I haven't used the IRC yet but I will try my best to get used to it. If you want to talk to me on skype, add me at sniperonskype. Well, if you have any questions, come find me in-game or send me a pm/skype request and I will happily answer. Thanks for reading this wall of text if you made it this far.
Last edited by Pubed; Jul 24, 2014 at 04:27 PM.
Reason: Forgot Replays