and now for an update on stuff... i got the clan ranks pretty much done. so im posting here:
yeah, well ive been thinking about this.
you begin at this if your a total greeny
Neophyte=10k Win
you can be ranked up by a 10k win or by becoming a blue-brownbelt, or starting as a blue-brown belt.
Sublime=20k Win
can be ranked up by a 15k win or by becoming a blackbelt or starting as a blackbelt.
Exalted=20k Win/Untouched
beat an official with a 20k win untouched (great idea). must be a blackbelt
Executioner=Decap, 30+k
this is fine
Beserker=30+k + 4DM
good but 4 dm has to be "madman" style
basicly major decaps. break arm/leg/torso
Cutthroat=30+k +(2DM OR untouched) + decap
Herculean=30+ 3DM
boom hit
Transcendent=? ? ?
great performance, has to be speccially voted on by exsiting transccedents or masters. becomes a official
picked specially by the masters. most of these are officails
voidcasters==people who make mods/texturs/movies/screenshots.these aret he techies. limit 10% of clan. is not an official
sage==organise and keep forum nice and tidy. is an official. limit 7% of clan
and of course:
master==clan leader/ co-leaders
they do what they want. is an official. limit 3
officials:a part of the that has more power than the rest. they get to vote on newer people to rank them. limit 25%
keep in mind:
these are only relevent when playing on classic mod. although people can rank you becuase you just... GOOD, this is the easiest way. play an official on testing mode: 500max frames, 10 frames per turn (or somehting like that, which the offical decides). save the replay, then post it. and then the officials will then vote/decide whether you should be ranked
this way is NOT the exact way ranking is deterined just a outline, or a standard. ultimatly, it depends on the general opinion of the officials.
so basicly theres a ranking stickythread that lets people post questions and replays that they want to rank up with. you dont have to post "test" but thats just a standard. most people will be encouraged to post 1 "test", 1 "official mod test" (any mod thats played on an official server) and a free replay (anything, cna even be single player). you get EXTRA points if you do the bonus stuff (the stuff writen by the rank). it is not mandatory but it will help you live up to your rank name.
What do you think?
yeah so ive been looking at some other clans and ive come up with some MUCH NEEDED forums.
1.) application/apply here to enter clan
yeah so the thread tells you what format you should put in your appliaction in. the next few posts will be applications.
basic stuff
occupation in other clan?:
forum activity:
game activity:
why you wnat to get in (most important part):
special abilities: (ex: makes mods)
favorite mod/game type:
anything else:
who referred/thinks your good enough for this clan (both the person who wants to get in and the person that reffered is rewarded for this)
2.) Clan organizations/events
posts importnat stuff thats going to involve the whole clan. Like Tourneys and clan wars.
3.) Ranking system
this is where people post replays that want to be ranked. expect this to be very big. make sure that people can ONLY POST ONCE IN THIS THREAD EVERY WEEK. or elese it will explode with posts. lots of rules for this thread and it has to be monitered alot.
people can post people that flamed them and then we try to Kill them.
more threads to follow, but those will develope in time.