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[REL/WIP] Aerobash
So I wanted to make a combat flight simulator in Toribash.

I got the flight part down, but AI is a pain in the... neck and I got bored of working on this anyway. So even though this is a Work-In-Progress, don't expect any updates, or at least not for a while.

Attached Files
aerobash.rar (15.1 KB, 189 views) (15.6 KB, 158 views)
trying right now!
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body

Press space/P, the default controls are:
U/O: Accelerate/decelerate
K/I: Pitch up/down
J/L: Yaw left/right
M/.: Roll left/right
Z/X: Fire left/right
7: Change camera
Left ctrl: Boost
Left shift: Rear-view
Q: Reset gamerules
nice one.. it's funny that you released these (car and jet) at the same time I downloaded my favourite car game and some flight sim via torrents :P actually the flight sim is still in progress so this will be fun to toy with until it downloads you have an awesome mind to create this.. I already played it for a bit it's pretty cool.. I wish I had shaders though the only ground indication I have is the axis readout lol..
/set gr 0 0 -30
Yeah, I can't use shaders either.

Also, by the way, if you didn't know: you have to set the mod, start a new match, set the game rules, and then start another match in order to change the mod/rules in Toribash - this means that you have to press Q, R, space, Q, R, and space again in order to set the settings to the defaults. (if the mod isn't set already) Anyone know a workaround?
Nice work. Ambitious project. I'll be interested to see it develop.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Great script, but you need to disable some keys, example:
tbyte = string.byte("t")
add_hook("key_up","", --key up for most keys, but for ones where you can hold them down use key_down :P (WASD)
    if(key == tbyte) then
      echo("Chat with \"t\" disabled, please use the enter key.")
      return 1 -- stops key from being processed by default toribash functions
(yes i got bored enough to highlight it )
Last edited by Blam; Jan 27, 2009 at 05:59 PM.
Yeah, I know what you mean.

The problem with disabling keys, though, is that you might want to use them for their original purposes.

Anyone have any insights into the world of AI? (Artificial Intelligence. I need to make an AI for Uke, so this'll actually have a point.)
Last edited by cuckooman4; Jan 28, 2009 at 03:49 AM.