Whats about the Premium-YouShop and Deals Button ?
At first i was shocked that all my items where delete from my shop but
after some minutes i have to say...
THANK YOU for the new ToriMarket! Great Work!
But there are 2 Questions from me please:
Whats about the Premium Shop i payed for a Month?
Will there come a DEALS-Button like the old search function?
The Deals Button was the best function to bring YouShop to big life
and nice price fights only one can win ---> The customer...!
In ToriMarket is to read:
User created shops/markets
Cheap items (competition)
Deal Finder
Convert cash into Toricredits at an user defined exchnage rate
Create a shop to play the market and get more Toricredits
Find rare items, that are not for sale on the official Torishop
But without a Deals-Button i canīt see a tranparent competition.
Last edited by soulon; Jan 28, 2009 at 09:02 PM.