Original Post
I came to apologize
hey guys i came to apologize cuz i was an idiot
i had a big mouth and im really sorry :/
I hope that TTF will accept my apologize!

Leo im really sorry what i said to you :/

Bye, have fun , Locker460
If you Love me , PM me.
I hope I speak for most of TTF when I say; it's not a problem dude, don't worry about it. =] Very nice of you to apologize and I'm sure nobody really cared much anyway. XD We don't really take that much too seriously.
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.
Originally Posted by M3Hi View Post
I hope I speak for most of TTF when I say; it's not a problem dude, don't worry about it. =] Very nice of you to apologize and I'm sure nobody really cared much anyway. XD We don't really take that much too seriously.

Originally Posted by Locker460 View Post
Leo im really sorry what i said to you :/

What you said to me?i don't recall you saying anything offensive to me o.o
My Youshop!buy buy and buy! It has Demon items
Yeah, really don't worry about it. Haven't you noticed we don't care much about much?
Proud memeber of (and Google for) [o]
BlakNWyte can't spell.