Original Post
new recorobot set !!!
Hey all guys =) i try to create new some textures and sell that =)
(without trails and torso )
so you ask why without trails and torso ?
ehh mans ! robot it's a reallystic kill mashine !
so startbid - 22k
minbit - 1k
autobuy - 111k

P.s. don't worried about quality ( it's only of Jpg formates ) in game textures looks awesome =)
Attached Images
screenshot-06-06-33-28.jpg (31.6 KB, 53 views)
wildbox:Nuu stab! go on forum!
Stabberz:Will do Box. In a bit :D
it's nice set, but that isn't so awesome as enything els :3 GL with selling
And the second largest penis in animal kindom
I say it loocs awesome in game =) i see better sets than main! =)
wildbox:Nuu stab! go on forum!
Stabberz:Will do Box. In a bit :D
more screenshots

hide uke & take pics../op uke 0<---hides

spinny head if you can...First imp looks good tough
KONY 2012
ok look it =)
i do 2 ukes in replays for specially viewe =)
Attached Images
screenshot-03-23-31-56.jpg (38.4 KB, 18 views)
screenshot-03-23-32-23.jpg (42.4 KB, 16 views)
wildbox:Nuu stab! go on forum!
Stabberz:Will do Box. In a bit :D
man i do spinny head toomorrow sry for this ( i haven't gimp today ) =P
wildbox:Nuu stab! go on forum!
Stabberz:Will do Box. In a bit :D