I love this, i have only seen a couple of episodes and love it. Micheal Cera in this show is friggin hilarious. I love the part in like the first 10 minutes of the first episode when the dad is like
"Son, what is the most important thing..."
"No, family"
"Oh ya, thought you were talking about things we eat."
Also my 2 favorite characters are Jobe and Buster.
Rofl Buster is always trying to massage people.
And one of the best burns in the first episodes is when Lindsay is having lunch with the mother, and Lindsay is like
"Mother you have enough to drink?"
and the mother goes
"Well have you had enough to eat, honey you want your belt to buckle not your chair."
but has a soft spot for buster
Last edited by Spy; Jun 23, 2009 at 04:20 AM.