[DSC] [war]
Member list:
WarMedic - B former 10B
Leska - B
Burtonlang - B
Viscera -
dannydie2 - B
DjPz - B
1. No flaming
2. No spaming
3. No disrespect
4. No swearing
If I see anyone of these rules being broken twice then I will kick you out.
Clan Aim:
Too inspire clans to become organized and to have fun
Clan restriction:
You have to be blue belt or higher to join
Clan Story:
Once upon a time it was war between all countrys and the whole world. each house was destroyed and there were some people hiding so they would'nt get draged into battle they were different people from different countrys hiding out together.so they thought that the world is gonna be like this forever so they formed a clan called [war] to fight against and stop the fighting.
Clan recruition form:
ingame name:
recent clans:
modes good at:
Belt Specification:
blue belt - B
brown belt - B
black belt - B
2nd dan black belt - 2B
3rd dan black belt - 3B
4th dan black belt - 4B
5th dan black belt - 5B
6th dan black belt - 6B
7th dan black belt - 7B
8th dan black belt - 8B
9th dan black belt - 9B
10th dan black belt - 10B
Master belt - MB
Custom belt - CB
God belt - GB
Elite belt - EB
Last edited by War; Feb 20, 2009 at 06:03 PM.