Another Sigma vid
Hey guys, i think most of you will know me, but im quite a well known vid maker (here are 3 examples of my work:
Taekkyon me |
Fisting |
Hexed), and me and Rob have been talking, and ive decided i would also like to make a Sigma vid.
Right, Warcry has named the 4 best replay makers in the clan as himself, Geast, Khmerkid and Dreameater, so these are the 4 replay makers this thread applies for (if they want to be in this vid, that is). I don't like to include too many people in my vids (it makes it hard to track who ive included and how many times), so i am only using these 4.
I won't be charging for this vid, although donations are welcome :P
So yeh, please start posting replays, and ill talk about shaders, music etc closer to the time.