[AUCTION] The Ultimative High Quality Texture Set
after 9 and a half hours of work i finished it: the pure/demon set. It fully handdrawn and no filters have been used. If this set is sold for more than 100k i will recolor it in the colors you wish.
The C&C thread is over here:
If you buy this set i will send it to you with this heads:
I think the one with the eyes look phenomenal.
Here is the set in standart colors:
Here are some possible recolors (The set will only be selled one time. No recolors or anything else wich belongs to this set will be sold. It's unique.):
For Demon:
Avatar or Ground:
Min Bid: 10k
Min Raise: 1k
AutoBuy: 60k
Auction stops 7days after last bid.
PS: A recolor for different forces, eg acid, is possible, like mentioned above.
PPS: I think the price is high but ok => everything is handdrawn - and it is, as Megadoomer already sayd: "simplicity at its finest".
Happy Bidding
Last edited by balanced; Feb 22, 2009 at 01:18 PM.