Original Post
We are having bounties. These are requirements you must complete against a clan member to earn some extra toricredits. To place a bounty, just write the following:

Bounty name:
I will start first. I will host a bounty for myself.

Bounty name:Slycooper
Mod: running.tbm or wushu.tbm
Time: whenever i get on toribash multiplayer.
TC: 200 toricredits.
Requirement:Must Decap me, but not break any of your body parts.You can break how many you want off me, as long as i get decaped.
Bounty name: AlphasoniK
Mod: Aikido.tbm
Time: whenever i am on
TC: 1000 tc
Requirement: Decap me and win.

Last edited by AlphasoniK; Mar 5, 2009 at 02:07 PM.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Bounty name: Hxcbbqimo
Mod: Aikido / Wushu / Judo
Time: Any time im on
TC: 500 TC
Requirement: Rip off my crotch block.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Bounty Name: Hippybob
Mod: Aikido
Time: when i'm on
TC: 8000
Requirement:remove my limbs (half of each limb is okay as long as something is gone from each of the limbs)

ps. this one isnt impossible i have done it before ;P
Last edited by Hippybob; Mar 8, 2009 at 11:59 AM.
sorry hipi but thats not possible, first, frames arent enough and on aikido its 300+ dismember so u have to change the mod to judo (only one possible) or u can change the requirment
Dont touch me, I wrinkle [WL] member