TacCom's Judo Dojo (Replays)
I enjoy trying to do various Judo throws in TB. While it's not all about doing massive damage since the ground doesn't hurt it's neat to watch someone fly on -30 grav.
I'll be updating various throws as I perfect them.
Tomoe Nage (Circle Throw): This technique is where you almost fall backwards and as you roll back you use your leg to hold them up and kick them over using thier momentum to send them flying. The more momentum generated, the farther they fly.
Tomoe Nage V.10.rpl
This 2 foot Tomoe Nage is done on -30 grav just to give you an idea how much power is generated with the throw.
Tomoe Nage (Circle Throw)/Tawara Gaeshi (Rice Bale Counter): These are fairly similar techniques in that you both fall back with Uke facing towards you. But in this case for Tawara Gaeshi they have to be holding you around your body, much like a tackle. From there you fall back and use thier momentum to lift them over. This replay uses the kicking action of the Tomoe Nage as extra lift.
Tomoe-Tackle counter.rpl
Also done with -30 grav. These throws are hard to do on lighter gravity settings since it requires mostly momentum from the falling and having less gravity makes it difficult. Too much though and you can't toss them over.
Shovel isn't unbeatable :P: In this replay I shovel my friend but careful shifting of his weight not only saved him but sent me right over. While I'm not a pro at shovels the theory is still the same
Judo Fight.rpl
This is also using the new mod we made called Small Ring Fight. This mod emphisises throws. Give it a shot
Uki Otoshi (floating drop): This replay was also done in Small Ring Fight. This throw is somewhat of an Uki Otoshi in that you rotate thier centre of gravity by lowering the leading arm and raising the trailing arm. This not only extends thier centre of gravity past thier feet, but if you continue it you can flip them right over. Here thier head just planted into the ground :P
Nice clean Bridge: This throw is somewhat of an improvised Uki Waza (floating technique) where you use you're weight to pull them down and towards you, you use your leg to prevent them from stepping forward, and you slightly lift them over you (although they mostly float over you). The only differance is I typically bridge after to secure a more stable position and make it harder to escape from hitting the ground.
Nice clean Bridge.rpl
Faceplant!: This replay is more a demonstration of a key aspect of small ring fight. After the openers we both went to the ground to try and secure a low position to make ourselves harder to move and to move our opponants. While it's hard to move someone who is low, the fight still isn't over. Careful application of muscles (sometimes you don't have to move a whole lot) and good timing can lead to some dynamic results as shown here. Anyone who has played SRF on my server knows it's not so easy to move someone in that state. But the key error my opponant made was he kicked up into the air making him easier to move.
Uchi Mata (Inner Thigh Throw): This throw is rather tricky to get right. First you must have a grip on one arm and one on the upper torso. Using the pull from the arm grip and a rotational push from the chest grip, you begin to throw them over your body. As thier balance breaks, you then use your leg as a lever to give added force to the throw. In real life they wouldn't go right over you but toribash is special like that :P
Uchi Mata!.rpl
Last edited by TacCom; Nov 20, 2009 at 12:37 PM.