The Elite Flaming Pies
We are the Elite Flaming Pies
We like pies and we know how to fight
Dont underestimate us
House Rules:
1.Respect other houses and fellow house mates
2.No spamming and flaming
3.Be active on the forums
4.Be active on Toribash
5.Have Fun
If you wish to be a member of the Elite Flaming Pies
Copy paste this with the correct information
I (your name) wish to be a member of the Elite Flaming Pies
I am a (your belt) and have a rank of (your rank)
My favorite mods are (1st mod), (2nd mod) and (3rd mod)
I want to join the Elite Flaming Pies because (reason here)
My Gmt is (your GMT) and i am most active from (time your active)
And last of all i do (like or not like) Pie
After filling in the correct information you will be tested by me
while waiting to be tested you will be ranked under Uncooked Pie
The Leader: RafaThePro
Elite Pie's:
Flaming Pie's:
New Pie's:
You may change your tag to [DIAF-EFP] if u want to
Clan Banner:
were currently using this because i like it(it was made by my best friend too, i got it cheap from him)
Last edited by RafaThePro; Apr 1, 2009 at 02:38 AM.