Original Post
Selling question
Hey um..If i have a no qi pure lax,is there any way to sell it?

I heard from some people i have to have permission from a mod or something..?

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
If you aren't an authorized shop keeper, you won't be able to modify the required Qi, but you'll be able to sell it (always with 10 000 Qi).

If you want to sell it without the ToriMarket, you won't be able to transfer to someone not having the required QI.
U cant have a no qi item unless ur a authorised shopkeeper..

It gets reset to 10k qion reachin ur inventory

SDIT:Ferry was quick
KONY 2012
Yes i know...I HAVE a no qi pure relax that i bought from nachos shop,i believe he is an admin/mod...I just wanna kno if theres a way to sell it with the no qi it already has

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Ownagehuh, there's something that you don't understand.

Only Authorized Shopkeepers can set their own Qi !
Once someone else buys the item, the Qi is reset (back to 10000 Qi).
ur Pure dosent have noqi anymore....It got reset to 10k qi reqs....

U can ssell or give it to ppl having 10k+ qi only or sell it back to nach for some losss if he agrees

EDIT:Freyr beats me again...crap u.:P
KONY 2012