Original Post
Who Plays Crysis/Crysis Wars?
Hey, i was wondering who here on the forums plays crysis wars/crysis. i play the both the original and wars.

also, post any helpful tips you know, or anything else you want to share. my introduction:

Crysis Version: Both Wars, and Crysis
Best Weapon: DSG1 (Sniper)
Helpful hints/Tips: use graphics setting on low to see cloaked people better when sniping. also, don't use the laser attatchment, if you do, i will trace it to your location and shoot you.

Best Maps/Mode: TIAction on Savanna, or that one map i can't remember tha name, but it has a bunker on a hill above the prototype factory, with a bunch of crates, and a smallish map, Warfare.

btw i might start a clan, if enough ppl who play crysis want to join
Last edited by Carlton; Mar 8, 2009 at 06:18 AM.
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Not me...yet. My dad just ordered me a geforce 9800 1gb from EVGA. So I will be playing it.. :P

Looks like a really fun game, with balanced online :O
Last edited by DarkHuntsBank; Mar 8, 2009 at 06:29 AM.
yeh, get WARS and WARHEAD if you want the multiplayer, original Crysis Multiplayer is just filled with hackers and cheaters. but

Crysis was pretty good as far as single player, so i would reccomend it to see the entire story, it's a really good game.
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