Original Post
Tc sent do wrong member =/
Well i lost a duel against 0815rocker and i sent it to "0815" in a accident well he is inavtive i think can any admin get them back to me or not?
2 Words: Suck it
And duel me bitch, searching duels 5-100k
How could you miss 6 letters?
Anyways, I think you need to PM skulfuk.
He might be able to log in and send it back to you.
And how much was the duel for?
Yup - PM me!

*waves arms in the air to get attention*

Ahh, sod it... I'll take a look regardless & if I can find it I'll send it back.


Found, returned, done, I'm awesome.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you