Christmas Lottery
Original Post
TTF, what is your chosen music?
What music do you listen to?

Me, I listen to a lot of jazz, and indie. Andrew Bird, The Decemberists, Beirut are the shiz.

What do y'all listen to?
DQ, Crazy Foo. [TTF]
Random, Techno, Rock Idc If Its Good I Listen, ( Unless Its Some Crappy Romantic Song ).
-From the 13/3/10, this account belongs to Lempika-
Punk rock mostly
Surf rock (I have to coz I live on the sunshine coast and every1 does)
hard rock XD
Classic rock
rock rock lol
also a bit of everything else
Oh yeah and my TV gets a digital jazz radio statio so I lisson to that during ads alot.
A lot of metal
Hard rock
Punk rock
Some techno

That's all I can think of right now. :P
Last edited by Xego; Mar 11, 2009 at 07:02 PM.
I listen to the radio! (so it will be top40 and the hits and stuff.
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