Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Items needed
Items needed:
platinum force, blood, user text, emote, ghost, and grip
quicksilver force, relax, and blood
sapphire right hand trail, left hand trail, user text, timer, and dq
toxic blood, user text, grip, force, ghost

Items for sale:

please post telling me the price for these said items. (reasonable prices only)
Last edited by Zas; Mar 12, 2009 at 10:52 PM.
Platinum force - 50k
ghost - 20k
usertext - 7k
blood - 50k

QS force - 15k
QS lax - 15k
QS blood - 25k

Toxic Blood - 30k
<insert (something) here>
-platinum force: no thanks
-platinum ghost:no thanks
-platinum user text: sending tc
-platinum blood: no thanks

-qs force: 12k?
-qs relax: 12k?
-qs blood: 15k?

-toxic blood: 25k?

-Toxic force: no thank you i found one in youshop for 35k, might want to lower your price for it.
oh gawd is demon non qi or for sale?
every ten seconds I kill 7 puppies. The only way to prevent this is by clicking this savin' puppies