Original Post
Selling Left hand Flame
Selling flame for left-hand only, it is purple coloured (elf i think, not 100% sure)
Selling for 375k

EDIT: im also willing to haggle the price a bit, I'm looking for an avatar/ground texture also so you can pay with TC + one of those (no items though please)
Last edited by Robo-Mohawk; Mar 13, 2009 at 05:29 PM.
I wish the starting bid was 150k... I'd totally bid then

Good luck selling this lol
<insert (something) here>
Originally Posted by ROBO-Mohawk View Post
I'm looking for an avatar/ground texture also so you can pay with TC + one of those (no items though please)

Since you're accepting the textures as payment, I'm definitely interested. How much additional TC would you want though? I would imagine it would be based on the resulting epicness of the textures... PM me your request/thoughts and if you want an update on my latest ground and avi work, check out VelocityX (avi/sig) and Phail or Snorlaxen (ground textures).