Original Post
Game rules reset whenever changed.
I dont know why but everytime i change the game rules for single player, they never apply and when i click ok they jsut reset. plz help

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Last edited by suomynona; Mar 14, 2009 at 03:09 PM.
yea this also happz to me... ive got some replays called wushu, judo && stuf, to play mods like in multiplayer. Not really a big deal, bug, its a big bug:P
Nope. This is just a shitty bug that has been already added to the Toribash 3.7 Bugs list.

What I suggest you to do is to :

- Open Toribash
- Click on Single Player
- Get in the Game Rules, put the Game Rules you want
- Click on Single Player
- Get in the Game Rules, put the Game Rules you want
- Click on Single Player
Should work after a while...

This is shitty though