Please Take These!
Metros Sale (Revamped)
Ivory Grip: 1k (2k in torimarket!)
Ivory Emote: 1k (2k in Torimarket!)
Ivory Bundle for: 1.8k (200tc off)
Marine Blood: 700tc
Marine Ghost: 350tc
Marine Bundle for: 900tc (150tc off)
Acid Force: 6.5k
Acid Ghost: 1.3k
Acid Blood: 3.5k
Acid User Text: 900tc
Acid Emote: 1k
Acid Bundle for: 11k (2.1k off!)
Noxious Relax: 5k-6k
Bonus Deal: Buy the Noxious force for 6k and get the ivory items free!
Last edited by MetroMan; Mar 15, 2009 at 10:12 AM.