Original Post
THATS IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
you people make me sick sick i tell ya sick what is this clan it is getting shitter and shitter by the second we started good and we egtting worse
i want to see people on toribash playing i want to see tourneys

i want u guys to work i have a dream this dream is maeking our clan 1 of the best !!!!!!*bounc e*
Well what with your leader having a life.. a moderator not logging on in atleast a month and another mod playing only... like a standard player. How much did you plan on changing?

We had the biggest clan during the same time I was playing 14 hours a day recruiting pepople to the clan.

HAVE NO LIVES U SHALL GO FAR (BTW I just hit 5th dan =) )
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Im on like everyday, but i have exams to pass so i cant rly be expected to play 24/7.
You can't say im inactive tbh

(i just thought id let u all know
the 2 week post idea will help fix this if we actually follow through with it. a smaller, more active clan is better than a huge one that has lots of members that never get on.

P.S. im new, so hiya everybody
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hxc gratz for 5 dan i hope you reach more than 10 dan
but i check the fourm everyday everyday on fourm and game i am searching for members and for people to join our clan.
cant i have a life.... what the hell.... WTF woop woop pokemon! btw i was on a vacation.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
lol i dont mean leader other player jb i only find speced by the time i leave and after 3 hour he is still spec i apolozige alpha
lol no problem. anyway im on atleast 1 time aday at the forums, and i check like 3 to 10 times aday if any1 from the clan is online. Just because i was on a vacation doesnt mean i was afk. and being active isnt all. his clan is about fun, freestyling. we do not want people that give up theyre private lives for this clan. it doenst make sense. if ANY1 got problems pm me.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
for gods sake, i agree with hxc and Alpha. lorddeath, i have something to say: just because the clan is not fully active, it doesn't mean that its bad. It just means that, instead of interacting as much, you have the warm fuzzy feeling inside of being in a clan. you know what i mean?
Look at CBK. not the most active clan, but one of the most well known in the game. Just because some people aren't as interested in clan comps, shops, lotteries, DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY DO NOT LIKE BEING IN THE CLAN.
thats all.