Original Post
Arx fatalis
Now, that's a cliche name if I ever saw one. I'm trying to be more active in this section, as my current source of income is writing reviews about games, books and music. They are in Norwegian, but I should think I can manage English as well.

This game is truly annoying. I didn't play it more than about half an hour before I raged out. The plot is something like this: You find yourself in the nude in a cell. You're glowing of blue light. There's an old man in another cell close by that tells you to open the gate. I struggled to do this. To be honest, I couldn't do it. I ended up in picking up a rock and throwing it in the old man's face.

This resulted in a gamer's most familiar words. "Game OVER!". I killed the man. By throwing a little rock at him. The cover says as following: "Wield over 20 crushingly powerful weapons" Is the rock one of these? Also; "Many quests and subquests to complete! Hundreds of characters to befriend or murder (Throw a rock at)" And "Innovative gesture casting system with 50 powerful spells based upon 20 runes!" How? No idea.

So, summing it all up: Don't buy this game. It's a waste of whatever it costs. I only felt a bit of joy bubbling from the moment the rock left my hand till it hit the old man's forehead. And that's all.
I wish to disagree.

While I haven't finished the game, (I will someday, honest) the game really reminds me of the good old dungeon crawlers, like Ultima Underworld. Sure, the controls are a bit hard to get at first and the plot is a cliché, but you actually have to do stuff to progress. And it doesn't hold your hand and tell you exactly what you have to do, just gives you hints and lets you figure it out.

And there is actually difficulty. If you just go wandering around the place after you complete the tutorial and stick your nose in a place where it's not welcome, chances are it'll be sliced clean off (Oh god the liches). Unlike in Oblivion where you can complete the main quest at level 1.

It's not perfect, obviously. The thing that annoys me the most is that you can't tell exactly how hungry your character is, meaning that you just stuff a little food into his mouth, wait a few minutes, and then he says he's hungry again.

If you played games like Ultima Underworld, I'd suggest giving it a go.
Never compromise.
But of course. This board is indeed for discussion about games. It's natural to have different opinions. I'm saying that it is a terrible game, you obviously like it. For my taste, it's not great, but I can believe others will enjoy it a lot.
Nice to see reasonable people for a change. Some forums I used to go to were full of people that believe their opinions are absolute.

By the way, this game was made by the same company that made Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Guess they were experimenting with combat and stuff with this game.
Never compromise.