Original Post
i have waiting so much for this moment.after my last attempt to be a legend and everybody didn't accept it,i wanted to retry the attempt so really guys this time i will be in an agony if i didn't get accepted.

1-i noticed that many ppl said their gonna support me like fireless,xoxxo121,robert,and for sure the kindest dude,DavidFee.
2-i did many things to the clan.i am the leader of the Fire Demons house,i kept good reputation in the clan(i'm trying to) cuz i never got banned,infracted,and i never flamed.
3-i'm always,always active on the forums and ppl can come to me if they had any question.
4-stepping one step forward would really be a great honor for me.and i never made any clan member mad from me.
5-i'm sure that me and david would make a great team of legends cuz we are going well with each other.

just post here why i should be a legend or why i shouldn't.make your answer as much as detailed as you can.and then give me your final vote,yes or no.....................
well last time i didint think you were ready
but now i have full confidence for you
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
thanks alot rafa!i also have confidence in you and i will always be.but i can't wait to know what the other ppl will say

Heres my advice;

First of all, think about why you want to be a legend... Fam? Monney?
Second of all; Do u think you deserve it?
Third of all; what would other people think about this?

Don't get me wrong, Im not trying to say that you shouldn't be one.
But thats just something that you should be thinking about.
no no all i want is to be kinda known in this clan and to show ppl who call me a noob(aspire)that i'm not the guy to mess with.also if i became a legend i can help out ppl if possible.
thnx alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really i have been waiting for this moment a long time ago.your the man david.*bored from waiting for other ppl's reply*