Original Post
my 3 piece knees tehnique, metal barage
well i must say it's quite a new one , i made it today and i think it's good enough to be posted here so... tell me what you think
also another one it was quite about a few months ago but i think it's too good enough
Attached Files
3piece knees.rpl (68.4 KB, 39 views)
metal barage.rpl (82.7 KB, 29 views)
Originally Posted by metalkill View Post
well i must say it's quite a new one , i made it today and i think it's good enough to be posted here so... tell me what you think
also another one it was quite about a few months ago but i think it's too good enough

Actually, they are no good at all. Too many hits without DM and pretty symmetrical.
yes, practice. Loosen up, and unless you like abuse, you may want to hold off on posting for a bit...that being said, if you unstick your hands at the right time during "metal barage" I see epic things...I let go at the wrong time, but the attached is a hint >.>
Attached Files
metalbarageeditbydeady.rpl (27.5 KB, 16 views)
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Uh, I could cook up something like this within seconds.

Sorry, those were awful. If this is what you think people think asymetrical moves are, you're wrong.