View Poll Results: Is this clan a bit loose?
Yes, more activity between members is needed
10 Votes / 90.91%
Nope, fine as it is
1 Votes / 9.09%
Voters: 11. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Is this clan a bit...loose?
Well, I've only been here a few days, but it seems to me many members don't know each other. I could be wrong, but the fairly low forum activity might say something else.

I think members should play with each other more. It would encourage good behavior and discourage people from leaving.
i think the forum is good but we need 2 gt 2gethr more in like a passworded romm and just kick eachothers asses!!! :headbang:
im kicking all the inactive members. that way we'll be a more "1337" clan.... anyway i think we should know eachother better. i know all of u kinda but its better if we know eachother better indeed :P
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Making a clan-only room with password won't work until we get more members, IMO. We could have a unpassworded room though. Also, you can type /search [Fr3styL] ingame and it will show you the players in Fr3styL who are online, as well as what room they are in.
well both the leader and co leader are having personal problems right? if they arei think the next in command should organize some sort of fun events so we can get the clan together.
if there not having perosonal problems wich is what i herd tell me o and i ceep forgeting my name isnt on the memberlist and i know im in i was told so. so if u could look into that and tell me that whould be nice
sorry to post twice in a row
Cheeto, those posts were torturous to read. TORTURE! And I don't think many clan events can be organized without a good deal of funds.
im talking like get togethers and fun little wager fights to build some unity and sorry i just looked at what i rote and i fucked up the the typing didnt i
First off (Double post) second off dont bring that up 3rd off clown.

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