Original Post
[DIAF] About yourself thread
So this is my first thread, Cannible allowed me to make this thread about yourself. So that us DIAFs can get to know eachother well here.

So I'll start

Name/Nickname: JC
Birthday[month/day/year]: 07/29/95
Hobbies: Playing Toribash, Jamlegend and playing sports [Swimming, Taekwondo, Tennis, etc.]
Charactaristics: umm...Athletic, Nice [In many ways xP], Taking advantage of Duane in school, and an Under-Achiever 'cause my teachers are over-expecters :P
Pets: I would like a German Shepered but unfortunately my brother is allergic to dogs.
Wish/es[Inspired from MYI]: To meet all the DIAF members in real life.[Especially MYI], To drive [I'm tall enough like 5'6 now], A Full texture set on my birthday
Things I own [Inspired from Triplem]: Ps2, PSP, iPhone[2g], er...a macbook. And of course, Money
Last edited by Virtue; Jun 10, 2009 at 03:26 PM.
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
real name:never mind.......
age:12(not joking)
favorite pet:kittens,parrots
characteristic:likes to be humorous.
Hobbies:football,computer games,PSP,Wii,and swimming.
wish:to see DIAF members in real life....
ok i will give u my identity:

nickname: TM , OR, T-TIME
age: 13
birthday: 11/7/1995
favorite pets: cats (LOL)
characteristics: like to bully people (LOL kidding really) truly: like to be normal lol
hobbies: football, computer (gta IV, CoD 4, gta vice city)
wish: to get an iPhone lol , and to stop sayin' LOL, OH MAN ............
things I own: laptop, psp, Wii, nokia N96, MONEY LOL, and sadly i share a house with MYI......................... JUST KIDDING I AM PROUD OF IT......

lol I already made a thread like this back in the early days of DIAF :P

nickname: None :P
age: 17
birthday: 12/02/1992 (British)
favorite pets: My Lizard and my cats are cool.
characteristics: A little bitch, my friends bully me
hobbies: Emm... Toribash and drunk :P
wish: Umm learn to drive at the moment
real name:Zach Weatherholt (boosh i got the full name goin on)
age:14 (15 in august, yaay i get a job )
birthday:augist 9
favorite pet:all animals r amazing
Hobbies:skateboarding,animation,drawing,friends,gi rlfriend,and music
wish:run away see the world

badoosh, yall just got owned by my selfyness :P
Yo Triplem I got the thing you've always wanted: An iPhone the 2G I got it 3 weeks ago. I can show you evidence if you want.

EDIT: David if your friends bully you then how come you still call them your "friends"
Last edited by Virtue; Apr 8, 2009 at 08:32 AM.