introduce youself
hey all timoV44 here
ive set up this thread becouse of the pepol that said that the clan doesnt know eachother ennough.
so here ive opened an thread for the Fr3styL members to introduce themselves to the other clan members.
just an idea for what u can say:
your name:
your hobbys:
wy did u join fr3styl:
what belt u are:
your own sentence: (mine is look with your eyes see with your heart)
collors u like:
your shop adderes: (if u have one)
other things u come up with to say:
so gl.
here is my introduction:
hey all my name is timoV44.
real name is timothy and im 15 y old
i like to swim a lot (i do water-polo google it if u dont know what it is), i play guitar for 1 year now, i like to game a lot, and i go to school (becouse i have to XD)
at the moment im an blackbelt im good with aikido, running and runningwithswords
my collors are mostly blue variants i have my headtex shop here in the clan forum
mostly listning to metal, death metal actually anything from 80 rock (not rock and roll but rock) to today's death metal
for the rest i hope to see ya all later ;P
gl and grz from timoV44
__________________________________________________ ________
look with your eyes, see with your heart
Last edited by timoV44; Apr 11, 2009 at 06:26 PM.