Ah, I remember the meaning now.
The world is being continually fucked up by war, depression and most of all, greed.
Everyone trusts the cops. Everyone trusts the politicians. Do they trust people who rummage through their email, phone records, msn history and mail? Yes. If they're cops.
They call anyone else who does that a stalker.
"Wahhhhhh wahhhhh wahhhhh, communism, wahhhh waahhhhhhh waahhhhhhhhh, socialism. My fellow americans, these are the demon ideals that will tear our great nation apart." Yeah fucking right. Capitalism is greed, and a means of preventing the oppressed from rebelling. Politicians and policemen have hard ons for violence and their own little power trips. Watch a political demonstration nowadays. See if you can see the reporters and poor hippies through the clouds of tear gas.
One more thing. Entertainment. You are so accustomed to the cop or the FBI agent or the President being the good guy on TV, you forget that real life does not work like that.
You are constantly bombarded by warnings to keep your house locked, not to use the net cos your kids might be abducted, don't talk to strangers, don't fucking forget to wash yourself, you might spread germs. All it is doing is building fear and distrust of our surroundings. So one day, if the bad guys DO come knocking on your door, you won't be able to pull together an effective resistance, cos you've been too shit scared of your neighbours and the alley behind your house and the kind old man who just likes to do nice things to atone for his life. You push all those people and opportunities away and you fucking disconnect and alienate yourself. Divide and conquer is a very old saying. It's effective.
You get continually dumbed down by fluoride in your water, your school system teaching fucking creationism as science, your teachers not being able to even fucking SPELL CORRECTLY and the TV pelting you with advertising and selected, pre-approved news.
And people like me, who see what it's like, guess what it's leading up to and try to warn everyone, get a very special treatment. Nowadays, there are two words that can automatically shut anyone off to your warnings and evidence.
Conspiracy theorist.
I don't believe in the NWO or any of that shit. I believe in greed, raw power and false political process. A republic is called a democracy nowadays. You elect someone to run your country, but you can't say what they actually do. You just get to pick which fucker runs it.
I don't get depressed. The minute I get depressed, I turn it into rage. Something has to be causing that depression. Something can usually be done about it. So I get angry and productive. I try to spread information and general awareness.
And one day, when it all DOES collapse and come crumbling down around everyone's ears, I'm gonna stand in the street and laugh my arse off. Because I told you so.
Holy fuck
Last edited by phail; Apr 12, 2009 at 09:31 AM.