Blackbelt::Jousting and Twinswords
Hey fellow toribash fans. i am a blackbelt that would really appreaciate a blackbelt jousting and twinswords server.
2. if you are a brownbelt that is used to getting tcs for twinsords and jousting you cant anymore.
3. People love twinswords and jousting.
4.there fun.
5. why not have one?
if blackbelts dont have these than atleast give us another type of server that we can win tcs and have tons of fun with everyone
if these servers dont work ( which they should like every other server ) than you could always just get rid of it.
please give us Blackbelts and higher a server just to have fun in like twinswords and jousting.
P.S. please write about what you think about having these servers. I have PMed hampa about the matter and told hm about this issue.
if you think it is a good idea please make it clear in your post. if you dont think that thisis a good idea than please explain why not.
Toribash Fan and Supporter,