Original Post
[AUCTION]Pure/Vamp Flame Head

welcome to the auction for this nice little item right here:

the back may seem plain in the picture but it won't once we put your name on it!! [free of charge]. Will recolor. as a last additional note, id like to assure you that the spinny you see is in 128x128, the same quality that the game uses, so you shouldnt see any quality loss when you use it ingame [some people take screenies with larger qualities and it looks a lot better before you buy than after, but not me ]

anyways, id be happy to answer any questions or take additional screenshots if anyone feels they would like one.

Worktime: About 3 hours.
Style: Stylish.

thank you, and happy bidding!

EDIT: 2hrs with no response so lowering prices...

EDIT 2: Fabazz was going to buy but after 3 days, no response so its 1k to whoever wants it. since the next bid would be 1k anyways, just post, send, and its yours. [but dont take 3 freaking days]

cmon people!!!
Last edited by snowkiller; Apr 27, 2009 at 04:51 AM.
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Ill bid 500 tc.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
alright fabazz, its yours.

send the TC when you get this and ill pm you the text.

and thanks termite for that totally useful post...
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alright fabazz, ill leave autobuy at 3k pending, but since you havent responded yet, people keep bidding. if someone hits 3k before your response fabazz....
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alright, soooo no response from fabazz, i wanna get this thing off my hands. 1k to anyone who wants it.
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