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Mirror Edge - Free Running - Prakour With TORI
Mirror Edge Free Running Prakour With TORI

Last edited by CRAZYHUNT; Apr 30, 2009 at 11:04 PM.
i liked ur 1st one better but this was still good i saw a few of the same moves and it wasent as enjoyable as ur first.

anyways GJ

I liked it all. The custom shaders were pretty nice also. The flips and such looked realistic, but when it comes to the flat, big walls, don't use jousting-like gravity, it looks not to real. That, or try to catch the scene where he is right beside the wall, were you see less of the jousting. Anyway, 10/0
An error occured ....
Something's wrong with YouTube , now it pops up on almost all of the vids.
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
Damn. We need more people like you making free running vids like this.
The moves are probably actually really simple to make, but it looks beautiful when spliced together in a video like this.
Very nice work.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
the moves looked a little stiff at some points but the production was nice good job that was a nice movie!
im dead
All good, except 1:18, wow, that was pointless.
Good Job 8/10
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body