Original Post
[Auction] Toxic, HotPink and Cobra packs
Hi everybody, I'm selling packs:
-Toxic, starting bid 30k, 60k autobuy, min. bid 1k
-Hot Pink, starting bid 25k, 50k autobuy, min. bid 1k
-Cobra, startin bid 23k, 50k autobuy, min. bid 1k

Auction will end on the 23th May
NOTE: I will be absent from 10 till 15, feel free with questions!
Originally Posted by killer20 View Post
The Deal Finder Disagrees with your prices...

Found: Toxic Pack for 45,000 tc % off

You seem to not understand that if somebody bids 30,000tc and wins the auction for the Toxic, they've got it 15,000tc cheaper than the toxic pack you've found.
collect snots from the nose
But You can bid 31k and bought it 14k cheaper then in market. I think people uses autobuy funkction hardly ever.
If the price will wont satisfactied me i will not sell packs! Ps i writed this post on telephone, Sorry 4 mistakes