Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Important Post. Please read.
This is hard for me to do since I basically did all the work in creating this clan, but I am leaving Klan Opposition.

I am leaving due to the extreme inactivity in this clan and a general attitude of not caring about posting on the forums. I will still be ingame, and I will visit this forum to see how KO is doing, so I hope that this clan stays together.

I am promoting bluehero to leader in my position because I feel like he has some great ideas for this clan and will be a great leader. I have faith in him and I hope you will too.

If you guys ever need some help with the clan, don't be afraid to ask for my advice or anything. I will be requesting that hebrewhamr remove my mod powers in this forum, since I am no longer a member and do not deserve to have mod powers here.

My final request of all of you is to stay a strong clan and don't let this clan fail. There is still a need for the Klan Opposition, and until all clans are as fair as KO is with recruiting there will be a need for you.

Good luck, and goodbye


stickied this is very important for members-blue
Last edited by bluehero; May 19, 2009 at 02:24 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
It's sad to see you leave, Gumfighter. Unfortunately, I knew this day was coming so that is the reason for my reaction not being, "OMGWTFBBQ, YRU LEAVNG GUMZ!!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?one". That, and my posting spelling/grammar is not that bad.

Also, I hope that Klan Opposition will be able to stay together even without the stickyness of Gum. I also hope that no matter what happens, you will be remembered as a founder and leader of Klan Opposition.

Another thing is that I hope that everyone trusts Bluehero as a leader as much as Gumfighter and I.

All of this being said, I'd like to post an image:

Goodbye and good luck with anything and everything that you may do Gumfighter. Well, I mean goodbye from Klan Opposition, I'll be seeing you around the forums and talking to you on AIM, and IRC still.

(This kind of post needs that)
Yeah I agree butt. We shall survive and we shall thrive and we will make him come back! Or at least try. And succeed. Rally the forums! We will become stronger!