My Eckz-odus
Dear Rawrians,
I am Eckz, d'oh. I was recruited into this clan 2 weeks ago from yesterday. My prior clan to leaving was Guru, a clan with many fascinating personalities. I left due to inactivity, but recently have convinced myself that it's not always about the game, but rather the people you meet while playing.
My stay in Rawr was everything that I imagined the only thing it didn't have was Guru. It's a little difficult to compare the clans seeing as they are so similar. Rawr is an amazing group of people as well, and it's sad that my stay was so short. I didn't get to meet many of the members partly with my inability to become active in our irc.
I want to apologize to all those who felt I was worthy enough to be in this clan, because I'm sure I've let you guys down. I don't want any confrontation from this thread. If you are curious where I will go now then please consult my rejoining with Guru. It's not even definite that I will get back into Guru, but I'd like to try because it seems too right. My departure is now, and I bid a fond farewell.