Christmas Lottery
Original Post
your wrong gum
There is a reason I quit this clan. It is because of all the fighting trying to get you all to post and be active when no one wanted to do anything.

You all wanted clan tourneys and events, but no one donated to the clan bank to fund this stuff. Did you expect that I would pay for everything? I made sure that this clan had the chance to be get official status, I helped recruit most of you to KO, and you lose all respect for me just because I decided I've had enough with the fighting to get you all to post?

i donated and i bet some other people did to......besides dont do the event if no 1 pays....if they keep complaining kick them out or something...but please dont go (plus ive seen people posting in this clan too...>.>)
All total, around 2000tc was donated and people wanted events that would cost at least 10k to do.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars