As nobody would make me an ugly texture set, I tried myself. I think it came out pretty ugly (Haha). Now, give me some criticism. Know that the set was made to be ugly when criticizing.
The only thing that lacks in the ugly-scala is the seams. I can't stand them.
Wow.. I'm trying to make an ugly set, and I get offers on it. Well, without the head, I sure could sell it. This is the art section, however. It's not for marketing.
I think it came out pretty ugly, and colorful.
I think, if I would be... ranking it I would give it 8/10.
Where 10 is ugly as shit, and 1 is pretty like.... yeah, well.
Im sorry but r u just trying to get attention just coz of the ground texture and yes it is 'tasteless' u could have used like i dunno 'grammar demon' or something but not that it not nice