Original Post
Wanting to Join
Hey guys!
As you can see, I am Fezch.
I am wanting to join this clan.
There are quite a few members here that I know, timmychan and illkickurass for example.
I want to join, because this looks like a very active and fun clan.
So, here goes...

Name: Fezch
Real Name/nickname: Andrew Thomas Fletcher (inorite?)
Belt: 2nd Dan
Activeness: Not much in-game, I am more of a forum person.
GMT: +12
Country: New Zealand
Previous Clans: Nano. It died after the leaders left. I was co-leader.

I am not active in-game very much at all. The last time I went into MP must have been a week ago. But I am more of a forum person anyways.

Also, I made a new thread for this, because I didn't see a recruitment thread.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Originally Posted by Fezch View Post
Also, I made a new thread for this, because I didn't see a recruitment thread.

invite only :P
your not 3rd dan

lets wait for nobuddie or Jtank ^^
Hey, Thanks Timmy!
But, btw, It is spelled "Fezch", not "Fzech".
There are quite a few people who spell my name wrong, but it doesn't really worry me.

Never thought this would happen Fez (gonna call you that for a while so get used to it)

Let him join pwease?
But yea let nob or J sort this out or i owuld have invited u a while ago..... ;)
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
hehe well, we have alot member actually, theres no need for a new one. you seem to be ok, Fez, but if you dont have a special or awesome skill, the decision will be easy for nobud and Jtank
It looks like you are pretty cool person, but I don't think you fit clan's requirmenets :P

Also, making a thread about joining disqualificates you in my eyes. You had better speak with us in-game, and after a while ask for invite,or someting...I don't know.

Anywayz, nobud said clan is full :P
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I know I should have asked first guys.
The thing is, at that very moment, I didn't have the time.

Darkhunt, I don't go in-game that often. I usually only go in to make some art, or a set, but barely ever fight.
If any of you guys want to talk to me, go on IRC. I usually go on there a lot.
Weeell, we have many members active on forums (however activity in our clanforum slightly decreased), and not many active ingame (however number of members playing lately increases :d)

Right now my opinion will be like always:
I'm not sure :|

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