Wanting to Join
Hey guys!
As you can see, I am Fezch.
I am wanting to join this clan.
There are quite a few members here that I know, timmychan and illkickurass for example.
I want to join, because this looks like a very active and fun clan.
So, here goes...
Name: Fezch
Real Name/nickname: Andrew Thomas Fletcher (inorite?)
Belt: 2nd Dan
Activeness: Not much in-game, I am more of a forum person.
GMT: +12
Country: New Zealand
Previous Clans: Nano. It died after the leaders left. I was co-leader.
I am not active in-game very much at all. The last time I went into MP must have been a week ago. But I am more of a forum person anyways.
Also, I made a new thread for this, because I didn't see a recruitment thread.