[TC Sale]Gum quick tc sale.
I have 1million tc and i need to sell it quick. Here are my prices.
$5 = 50k tc
$10 = 100k tc
$15 = 150k tc + 35k tc
$20 = 200k tc + 45k tc
$25 = 250k tc + 55k tc
$30 = 300k tc + 65k tc
$35 = 350k tc + 75k tc
$40 = 400k tc + 85k tc
$45 = 450k tc + 95k tc
$50 = 500k tc + 105k tc
SUPER SPECIAL DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For $90, you get 800k tc and 3 flames
For anything higher, just ask.
Please pm me or talk to me on irc to get my paypal.
This sale ends when 1million tc has been sold.
Last edited by Gum; Jun 9, 2009 at 01:37 AM.