Original Post
my dog just died
she was 13 years old
what a pooch
how do you feel when you lose a pet?

I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
I feel sad. It's really bad losing a pet, specially when you've had it for a good while.
Feel for you, mate, hope you get better.
she died just about 3 hours ago
i first got her when i was 3!
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
no she was old and she had a stroke about a day ago and she couldnt even get up under her own power!
her name was Sheba and i loved her to death!
(no pun intended)
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
My dogs' name is Sheba. (:

I had a German Shepard a couple years ago, best dog I've ever had. We could literally leave the garage door open with food and water inside, and leave for the weekend. She'd stay at the house, we didn't even have a fence. Some days she sat on the porch so long, completely still, our neighbors thought she was a statue when they'd come over. She got hit by a car when she was about 9, only time I've ever seen my dad cry even a little. Sad day.
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
My dogs' name is Sheba. (:

I had a German Shepard a couple years ago, best dog I've ever had. We could literally leave the garage door open with food and water inside, and leave for the weekend. She'd stay at the house, we didn't even have a fence. Some days she sat on the porch so long, completely still, our neighbors thought she was a statue when they'd come over. She got hit by a car when she was about 9, my dad even cried a little. Sad day.

Woah, that's sad. I had a dog, for about 12 years, since I was 13, up to when I was 25. He was quite the trouble maker, but I loved him, he followed me everywhere. I never saw a pet be so attached to it's owner, honestly. He died when he got shot when we were walking in the woods, he ran off a little far away from me and a hunter thought it was good to kill a dog. People are strange, these days, but yes, I didn't get over it for a few weeks.
I had a dog, about 4 years ago, I etava in the house doing something, leave it to the street alone, he was eating something and was hit by a car >:
my dog that died was also a german shepard kitfox!
aint that a fine howdy do?
and rondaldoo i dont understand what your saying
and thanks for the support guys!
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
Hey man, my dog Rooster died about 3 months ago at 17 years old. I'm still kinda sad about it, but he was old.