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What game makes you rage the most?
I don't think anyone made a thread like this yet, I know quite a few rageworthy games, but I think the one that makes me rage the most is an online game, called Exteel, which is a mech fighting game with guns and swords and shit, but someone times the kills are so cheap you just want to punt your computer out the window. How about you guys?
I've overloaded the game with mods and some of them have issues with each other so the game crashes pretty often and sometimes I forget to spam Quicksave FFFFFFFFFAAAAAAKKKKKKKK.
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

Originally Posted by randomguy8 View Post

A picture's worth a thousand words.

The game is worth 1000 killing sprees.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Every game that ever stopped me from reaching a goal repeatedly made me rage. It could be any game. Apart from Toribash, you can never be mad at it
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Full Spectrum Warrior... other than that when you die less than a split second before a checkpoint... it's like NOOOOOOOO!!!! Now I have to restart the level.
tbh, iwbtg wasn't that frustrating for me, i have too much interest about whats coming next to be frustrated ;o

For me, it'd have to be pangya, a golf game, one bad shot can ruin a perfect game, and destroy your urge to play the game for a week or two ;s


Any game will make me rage if bullshit happens. Which every game gives at one point. But the one game that makes me rage the most has to be Streets of Rage. They give far too little health for an AI that's horredously fast at kicking your ass.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
But the one game that makes me rage the most has to be Streets of Rage.

Kind of an oxymoron there, son.
A game called Go Go Golf.

If you don't press x at the right spot, then you're in the shitter and IT SUCKS.