My tag is [KO-TGP], but that's just me.
And I'm viewing the thread now.
Ok, edit with some questions answered/questions asked.
RickyM97, if you read at the bottom of post #1 of RQ's thread, the tag would be as so: RQ[KO]Name if you are "proven", and rq[KO]Name if you are a "trainee".
Also, Azazell, are all KO members accepted as "Proven" or is there still the possibility of them being a "Trainee"? Not that I would want to be a "Trainee" XD.
And...I hate posting replays...I don't know why, I just don't. I might post an application there soon, though.
Last edited by Buttchouda; Jun 11, 2009 at 05:43 PM.