Original Post
1 week to live!!
If you guys had only 1 week left to live how would you spend it for example
Sunday: i climbed a mountain
Monday: i ran naked down the city
Tuesday: i went sky diving
So guys how would you spend you last week on Earth?
Sunday: Party
Monday: Party
Tuesday: Party
Wednesday: Sex
Thursday: Party
Friday: Party
Saturday: More Sex + running around naked
ok if we started on sunday and ended saturday it wold be like this

sunday: get drunk
monday: get high
tuesday: party
wednesday: have a threesome with 2 girls
thursday: piss some guy off
friday: runaround nude
saturday: get shot by the guy i pissed off

yep thats it 8D
Last edited by chrissn; Jun 11, 2009 at 09:48 AM. Reason: ????????
Sunday: Party
Monday: Party
Tuesday: Party
Wednesday: Party
Thursday: Piss on everyone who moves.
Friday: Get drunk.
Saturday: Try to kiss some girl.-naaah
Sunday: Party
Monday: Kiss Girl and Loose virginity
Tuesday: More Sex
Wednesday: Tell the girl that I didn't use condoms, run up a mountain naked and hide there and piss off/on some animals till next day (lol)
Thursday: Run down the mountain naked and rape everyone in my way
Friday: Play TB, and say goodbye to all my frndz.... transfer TC and stuff...
Saturday: Tell the girl I will die (which means more sex or maybe she'd kill me....)
Last edited by 7bank; Jun 11, 2009 at 10:07 AM.
The Seven's Official Bank. Donations are welcome.
Sunday: Hospital
Monday: Hospital
Tuesday: Hospital
Wednesday: Hospital
Thursday: Hospital
Friday: Hospital
Saturday: Hospital/Graveyard

^ The most realistic hypothesis.
You guys are douches, I'll start on Wednesday:

Wednesday: Burn everything that gets in my path. 8D
Thursday: Rape everything that gets in my path. 8D
Friday: Murder everything that gets in my path. 8D
Saturday: Impregnate everything that gets in my path. 8D
Sunday: Eat pizza.
Monday: Be in jail.
Tuesday: Be in jail.
Wednesday: Die in jail.

Basically, what I normally do every week.